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Industries Served

City Government Federal Goverment Private Organizations Public agencies Public and Private school systems State and Local Government

Training Formats Offered

  • Classroom
  • Hybrid/Blended
  • Distance Education
Accredited Provider Overview
Organization Name Integral Advantage, Inc
Short Name (DBA)
Location La Quinta, CA US
Primary Phone Number 760.203.4959
Website https://www.integraladvantage.com/
Accredited Provider Since 2024
Audiences Served Non-Employees (External Particpants)


Integral Advantage® has extensive experience in developing and delivering training programs specifically designed for newly promoted and soon to be promoted supervisors, managers, and leaders in the U.S. Federal Government across virtually all Federal Agencies. Our programs, such as the Managerial Leadership Development Series, focus on equipping these individuals with critical management skills, including strategic thinking, problem-solving, conflict management, and leveraging diversity. These courses are tailored to address the unique challenges faced by new leaders and ensure they transition smoothly into their new roles with confidence and competence. Our approach combines primary and original research, theoretical knowledge with practical application, supported by interactive exercises, contextualization, and real-world scenarios. Our programs leverage the ECQ's and related competency to enhance action-oriented programs within public agencies. Additionally, we leverage our own experience in public agencies and government to support the contextualization of core concepts.

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