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Industries Served

Automotive, Assembly, Pick N Place, Dispensing

Training Formats Offered

  • Classroom
  • Hybrid/Blended
  • Distance Education
Accredited Provider Overview
Organization Name Yaskawa Academy
Short Name (DBA)
Location Miamisburg, OH US
Primary Phone Number (937) 847-3229
Website https://www.motoman.com/support/training/us/default
Accredited Provider Since 1992
Audiences Served Both (Internal and External Participants)


Industrial Automation & Robotics Solutions
Founded in 1989, Yaskawa Motoman is a leading industrial robotics company in the Americas. With more than 500,000 Motoman industrial robots, 18 million servos and 30 million inverter drives installed globally, Yaskawa provides automation products and solutions for virtually every industry and robotic application; including arc welding, assembly, coating, dispensing, material handling, material cutting, material removal, packaging, palletizing and spot welding.

Our product line includes more than 150 distinct industrial arm, delta and SCARA robot models, plus a full-line of pre-engineered "World" solutions that are complete application-specific robotic systems that include robot, process and safety equipment. Combined with our sister and partner companies, we support robotic solutions throughout the world.

Our proven track record of delivering industry leading quality, innovation and customer satisfaction can help you exceed your automation goals.

Yaskawa Motoman is backed by a powerful parent, Yaskawa Electric Corporation of Japan. Since 1915, Yaskawa Electric has demonstrated a passion for automation by developing specialized solutions to help customers increase efficiency, improve quality, boost productivity, and deliver outstanding ROI. As one of the world's largest manufacturers of industrial robots, Yaskawa Electric has offices in 29 countries and approximately 15,000 employees worldwide.

Our sister division, Yaskawa America, Inc., Drives & Motion Division, is a manufacturer of various control products, AC servo motors and drives, and inverters.

Yaskawa Motoman Mission Statement
Efficiently deliver high quality, innovative robotic solutions that help our customers and partners to be competitive globally, and to provide the highest level of customer satisfaction in the automation industry.

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