Which of My Courses Do I Show IACET for Accreditation?


In both applications for IACET accreditation (initial or renewal) you are asked to submit evidence from actual courses (exemplary courses) to show that you follow the policies and processes submitted.  The reviewers need to see an exemplary course for each type of delivery methodology used by your organizations.? IACET classifies training delivery methodology in three ways... 

From 73 to 17 - Streamlining IACET Re-accreditation


When seeking accreditation for the first time through IACET, a provider must document they meet the standards by uploading 73 different pieces of evidence.  In 2018, the IACET Council for Standard Development introduced the new and streamlined re-application for accredited providers (APs).  That new re-application process asks for only 17 items in the application.  The reaccreditation process is now streamlined in response to the needs of IACET APs. 

Accreditation Tip of the Month - After Accreditation, What Comes Next?


You have earned accreditation. Well done!  This is not the end however, but merely the beginning of your relationship with IACET.  For the application to have been successful, you had to provide important documentation to show compliance.  This continues on an annual basis as long as you are an accredited provider.  You will need to submit documents and answer questions to maintain your status as an Accredited Provider. 

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